Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Can You Spot #ThingsElliottSays in the Latest Party Political Broadcast?

Can you spot #ThingsElliottSays in the latest Party Political Broadcast for the Conservatives? Watch and see.

The filming of this broadcast took place on West Bridgeford High Street and is footage from when we had a street stall in September and earlier this month. I definitely prefer filming in the late summer rather than the depths of a very cold winter.

The film crew introducing themselves to the man in the Broadcast.

The Conservatives are really pushing forward the idea for Hard-working People ever since conference, so far I think it is actually working very well. The Conservatives really want to show how we have a long term economic plan and that we have 5 major points in how we have made the country better after 13 years of a Labour Government that destroyed the economy. 

The Conservatives are:

1. Reducing the deficit- so we deal with our debts, safeguard our economy for the long term and keep mortgage rates low

2. Cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty- to help hard-working people be more financially secure

3. Creating more jobs- by backing small business and enterprise with better infrastructure and lower jobs taxes

4. Capping welfare and reducing immigration- so our economy delivers for people who want to work hard and play by the rules

5. Delivering the best schools and skills for young people- so the next generation can succeed in the global race

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