Sunday 6 October 2013


Last night, as you may know if you were there or creepily stalking Twitter, was the infamous NUCA Port and Policy. I love Port and Policy the debate is fun, especially the point where I called the Green Parties beliefs 'scum', and I get to see my wonderful NUCA friends.

This time however was special because it was the first event for the freshers. I think we have a good lot this year from my reckoning but there are loads of them (around 30). From what I could see from the debate there are people who are Dave's best friend to Dave's worst, which is good for debate. If any freshers are reading this I must say I am terrible with names so don't expect to me remember them till about November.

One problem we did have at Port and Policy is barely anyone took to the Twitter so there will be a shorter version for this post of the recounting the night.

Lisa gave a very good definition of Port and Policy.

But there was still a lot of hype over Port and Policy.

But It wasn't just freshers who were new to NUCA we had post grads and 3rd years at Nottingham.

There were however some notable missing faces. I expect all of them to come next time even if they have to fly back to the UK.

But at the start of Port and Policy something dramatic and tragic happened.

But at least Harry of Trent (#shame) came properly dressed. I hope he has been taught some good debating skills he can take back to the NTU debating society.

But onto the debates. The first was on the Daily Mail and Red Ed's father. I decided (was told) to stand on a chair like the famous photo of Yeltsin on a tank.

Debate from the socialist oppressors was good too, although Jamie didn't think so.

But I managed to teach the Socialists one good lesson from a great lady made of iron.

 Sarvie really enjoyed the debate on legalising weed.

But the message of the night is this, freshers take note.

Jenny however enjoyed the night the most.

So freshers keep coming to Port and Policy and NUCA events. It only gets better.

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