Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Grammar Saves Lives

Today the BBC has shown that grammar is very important. Watch this BBC news reader announce the headlines.

Before you say anything, yes I realise my grammar is not perfect. It is however very funny to laugh at people's unintentionally funny grammar mistakes. Grammar has also not been a strong point of other CF members as well.

Do you think Sarah Jane will get a job in the BBC now?


  1. She's too left wing for the BBC

  2. Today[,] the BBC has shown that grammar is very important. Watch this BBC news reader announce the headlines.

    Before you say anything, yes[,] I realise my grammar is not perfect. It is[,] however[,] very funny to laugh at people's unintentionally funny grammar mistakes. Grammar has also not been a strong point of other CF members as well. <-- tautology: 'also' and 'as well' in the same sentence...

  3. Leave SJ alone, poor thing. Anyone would think that you've got a crush on her!

  4. Sadly I am gay so am not interested. Also I think the grammar corrections are ones of style rather than actual things.
