The fact we are in coalition can only go so far as an excuse to why the economy is not moving. Other departments like Education seem to have converted Liberals to Tory education plans, why can't this be done to some extent on economic policy? The reason is is that both George Osborne and the First Lord of the Treasury are not pushing for liberal economics. A good example of this is the refusal to cut taxes some taxes as they say this will slow the rate in which he coalition is cutting the deficit. However, none of them seem to realise that a lower percentage taxation it actually brings in more real money because the economy grows. A large percentage slice of a small pie is less than a small percentage of a large pie.
Also I think one other man has a lot to do with this and it's our good old closet socialist Business Secretary Vince Cable. Mr Cable hasn't done much in his job apart from oppose all changes to employment legislation, occasionally turn up in a car factory and then go on a ramble across India. However he is a massive advocate of Keynesian economics. 'We need more spending' Mr Cable will always say. But now old Vincey has attacked the Tories for being economic 'Jihadists', although they are at the moment advocating a more liberal economic program than the Lib Dems (shock horror, who would have thought it!). So essentially, especially after the Lib Dem win in Eastleigh, Tories are saying what they want because the Dr that advocates an economic death is saying what he wants.
But what does this mean? These are just words after all. As I said last month the moment economic policy disagreement happens in the Coalition, it is as good as over. No one really wants to do it any more except Dave and Cleggers because they like their jobs and working with each other.
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