#ThingsEllliottSays' YI source has sent him some of the reactions of UKIP members to #FletcherGate. Amongst them are some very homophobic statements such as the 'pinkoboe-news gets upset about people not embracing bum sex
shock horror! What to do? Stand only homosexual candidates?'. Other reactions include "normal bloke says normal blokeish things, jokes about
gays... outrage in Pink News, that outrage picked up and magnified by the
leftie Huff Post...then again by self righteous prigs both inside and outside
of the party" and "it wasn't.. to anyone but readers of Gay News... who started
the hue and cry. Some of you had better not ever work in factories or on building sites, you
will faint at what is said by normal working people, and have to have a lie
down after every joke." UKIP clearly has a strange idea of 'normal blokeish things'.
Most UKIPers however take issue with Cllr Fletcher over only one thing with many of them saying "wow, I can't believe him. He really thinks the NEC have policy making powers???". Its seems that even UKIP members realise the strength of the cult of personality of Nigel Farage.
Wonder how many UKIP Friends Cllr Fletcher will have after describing him as an 'idiot'. |
Some other Kippers however blame Cllr Fletcher for the media storm he created saying "the idiot is detriment to UKIP and members". Other UKIP members have began to ask questions about Cllr Sam Fletcher like "I dont know where we find them but is there a returns policy?" and "Why defend the idiotic?". Looks like locally Cllr Fletcher's position of being a district council candidate may be reconsidered.
In other #FletcherGate news three more articles have gone up about the story in the local
Telegraph and Argus,
The Gay Courier and
The People.
There has also been created a new Facebook page called
Samuel Fletcher For Prime Minister. According to the page 'It's been a tough week for Samuel, but we're sure that with some courage and rubber trousers he'll make it to Number 10.' There are some very amusing photos on there.
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