Unbeknown to #ThingsElliottSays until a few hours ago, #FletcherGate was talked about in the Daily Star on Sunday. The Star labelled Cllr Sam Fletcher 'Cock of the North' after he graphically claimed to be having an adulterous affair and insulted both women and gay people. Sam Fletcher is a UKIP Councillor who was elected late last year to Keighley Town Council, I wonder what Cllr Fletchers' constituents think of his exploits?
The article also confirms that Cllr Fletcher is going to be subject to some sort of discipline from his local UKIP branch. Maybe they'll also discuss whether Sam Fletcher is the right sort of man to stand as a district councillor too?
The article is not available online but #ThingsElliottSays has been sent photos of the small article (sorry its not the greatest quality ever).
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