Sunday 19 May 2013

Canvassing in Wollaton

Yet again I was out helping James Spencer in the Wollaton West By-election. Yesterday the team, which numbered above 20 people, did 3 'walks' of canvassing. We went all over the ward speaking to people about problems in the area and whether they would vote for James.

People should remember that they can only see a better Wollaton West by voting for James and the Conservative Party. In this ward it is a straight fight between the Tories and Labour, any votes to UKIP mean that the Conservatives lose the seat.

From the Right: James Spencer, Rowena Holland and Cllr Roger Steel all helping in the By-election
So what happened on the day. Well a team of me, James, Cllr Roger Steel and parliamentary candidate Rowena Holland took a large area to canvass. Notably the area was full of doctors with seemingly everyone working at a surgery or the QMC in  Wollaton. We met lots of Conservatives and very few opposition voters which is very good.

 Unusual parking was also seen in Wollaton West. I find this satisfyingly funny.

James is a very hard working man who will serve Wollaton West well. Vote for him and the Conservative Party on Thursday 6th June. 


  1. Do you actually do anything fun with your spare time?

  2. If I was at home in Wisbech I'd be doing something with archaeology. But I do enjoy canvassing.
